It is recognized that coccidia, especially Eimeria, is the cause of weight loss and mortalities in calves world wide.
In Estonia few efforts are made to control the infection and the situation has basically been unchanged for decades (Lassen et al. 2009).
Image: Calves infected with Eimeria bovis; left untreated and to the right treated. Source: Daniel
et al. Better herd health. Implants decrease severity of disease
response in cattle. Highlights of Agricultural Research. 2000; Vol 47,
No. 3.
Without proper tools and data, it is difficult to convince farmers and veterinary practitioners that a situation that has persisted as long as the memory can be changed to the benefit of animals and the farmers production.
Scientifically it is a challenge to create a holistic picture of a problem due to the long study period needed to monitor the animal and the many factors to control. For this reason the cost of coccidia infections and the benefits of control remains an estimate.
One of the most recognized estimates is by Fitzgerald (1980) who estimated that Eimeria at the time on a global scale cost 723 US$/year in lost earnings, or as a rule of thumb: 1 US$/calf/year. Adjusting the value to inflation this would amount to around 1,600 US$/year today. However, this estimate was based on current understanding of weight losses of calves infected with pathogenic Eimeria, mortalities, and assumptions on treatments with related costs. Doing so it only calculated calf-associated expenses, and not the long term effects or considering the management choices and herd dynamics throughout the life of the cattle.
In the summary presented here are based on the results from the article by Lassen and Østergaard (2012) where we present the outcome of simulating the effects of Eimeria on a herd of 100 animals over 10 years. The model (SimHerd v4) is a dynamic model that takes changes into account on weekly basis, has been designed using experimental data and an extensive understanding of management dynamics. In addition prices and expenses are part of the simulation so that also a balanced financial outcome of changes can be estimated.
Our experiment included a raised mortality in the scenario containing an endemic infection of Eimeria in the herd and a slower weight gain of the animals. As a result of slower weight gains a delay in reaching a weight suitable for the first insemination of cattle was adjusted in the model setup.
Results showed that mortality of calves had little impact on the production as a whole while slower weight gains showed to be an expensive additional expense in extra food requirements to fatten the cows. The delay in the first insemination had the largest impact and caused losses due to delay in entering the production.
Compared to a hypothetical parasite free herd, the best estimate of Estonian conditions made an annual 8% negative balance of the balanced income of the farmer.
In addition the study tried to estimate the benefits of prevention and control.
Timely supportive treatment and isolation of infected animals showing symptoms of coccidiosis increases the calves chances of survival dramatically. This was included in the model scenarios. Treating preventally with anti-coccidials would lower the infection pressure in the herd, but not remove the parasite. It was thus estimated that prevention would be equal to a lower infection pressure with less impact on weights and mortalities. Good hygiene measures may achieve similar effects.
Cost-benefit of treating with anti-coccidial drugs was very small if only considering the value of a calf. This may also be why this option is not favoured. However, when considering the effects over time and for the herd, the economic benefits was substantial.
Lassen, B., Østergaard, S. Estimation of the economical effects of Eimeria infections in Estoniandairy herds using a stochastic model. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 106 (2012) 258–265.
Information about parasitology in Estonia and related materials, courses, and tools.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Cost of Eimeria infections and benefits of control in Estonian dairy herds
Friday, 7 September 2012
Review of Estonian research on protozoan parasites 1950-2008
Vast amounts of scientific knowledge is currently disappearing. Before gaining independence countries such as Estonia largely published in Estonian and Russian. This information has to a large extent been unknown to the international community.
The Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology (SBSP) has created a grant for researchers to encourage them to compile English reviews on local research in parasitology before the information is lost.
This review at the bottom of this entry was compiled on Estonian research on parasitic protozoans in livestock and pets. Most of this literature was found in the drawers of retired researchers and often not even listed in the libraries.
The published review covers studies of several types of studies on parasitic protozoans. Articles compiled were originally in English, Russian and Estonain. A short review is presented here in bullitform:
Picture (Robot Nine)
Babesia spp. (babesiosis)
Cattle: Prevalence studies and control efforts in the 1960'ies
Cryptosporidium spp. (cryptosporidiosis, coccidiosis)
Cattle: An outbreak study in an Estonian farm (2004)
Pigs: Studies of different production systems discovered the parasite more frequently in organic farms.
Eimeria spp. (eimeriosis, coccidiosis)
Cattle: Prevalence studies in the 1970'ies and 1980'ies. Species distributions. Control methods and effect of disease.
Pigs: Post-mortem diagnosis of gastro-intestinal infections such as coccidiosis. Studies of species distribution in different production systems (including domesticated wild boar).
Sheep: Frequency of signs of coccidiosis. Prevalence in lambs and ewes.
Poultry: Mortality rates (1948-1950). Outbreak control using different drugs. Reporting of species (E. sporadica).
Isospora suis (isosporiasis)
Pigs: Prevalence studies.
Sarcocystis spp. (sarcocystiosis)
Cattle: Prevalence. Diagnosis of parasite distribution in different organs. Cases of Cystoisospora spp.
Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis)
Cats: Case-control study using Toltrazuril.
Humans: Sero-prevalence in humans.
Picture (Vikerraadio): Tartu University rector and professor Alar Karis started his academic career with Eimeria in cattle.
Lassen, Brian; Talvik, Heli (2009). Parasitic protozoans in livestock and pets in Estonia. Review. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika, 46 (68), 30 - 36.
The Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology (SBSP) has created a grant for researchers to encourage them to compile English reviews on local research in parasitology before the information is lost.
This review at the bottom of this entry was compiled on Estonian research on parasitic protozoans in livestock and pets. Most of this literature was found in the drawers of retired researchers and often not even listed in the libraries.
The published review covers studies of several types of studies on parasitic protozoans. Articles compiled were originally in English, Russian and Estonain. A short review is presented here in bullitform:
Picture (Robot Nine)
Babesia spp. (babesiosis)
Cattle: Prevalence studies and control efforts in the 1960'ies
Cryptosporidium spp. (cryptosporidiosis, coccidiosis)
Cattle: An outbreak study in an Estonian farm (2004)
Pigs: Studies of different production systems discovered the parasite more frequently in organic farms.
Eimeria spp. (eimeriosis, coccidiosis)
Cattle: Prevalence studies in the 1970'ies and 1980'ies. Species distributions. Control methods and effect of disease.
Pigs: Post-mortem diagnosis of gastro-intestinal infections such as coccidiosis. Studies of species distribution in different production systems (including domesticated wild boar).
Sheep: Frequency of signs of coccidiosis. Prevalence in lambs and ewes.
Poultry: Mortality rates (1948-1950). Outbreak control using different drugs. Reporting of species (E. sporadica).

Pigs: Prevalence studies.
Sarcocystis spp. (sarcocystiosis)
Cattle: Prevalence. Diagnosis of parasite distribution in different organs. Cases of Cystoisospora spp.
Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis)
Cats: Case-control study using Toltrazuril.
Humans: Sero-prevalence in humans.
Picture (Vikerraadio): Tartu University rector and professor Alar Karis started his academic career with Eimeria in cattle.

Tartu, Estonia
Friday, 18 May 2012
An overview of faecal parasitological investigations in Estonian animals
Author: Brian Lassen
The data presented here is collected from the official reports of the Estonian Veterinary and Food Laboratory (VAFL) and presented using the Gapminder motion chart tool, which is available through Google Documents.
With this chart, we encourage you to explore the history of samples sent to VAFL from 2000 to 2010. You can adjust the X and Y axis to what you wish to observe and press the play button. You can mark specific animal species of interest and follow the development over time by clicking on the bubble or tick it in the side menu.
Different animal species were investigated every year. Faecal samples were investigated for different pathogens (parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungi). One type of animal, such as "cattle", will make up a proportion of these samples and is represented by the Y-axis. For larger or smaller proportions of samples sent for diagnostics were faecal samples - this proportion is represented by the X-axis. The size of the bubble represent the number of faecal samples submitted that year from that animal. You can also alter the axis' to the sums by choosing in the pull-down menu.
As example, mark "Cattle" and run. Notice how the proportion parasitological faecal samples investigated from cattle make up a large proportion of the faecal samples every year, but with huge fluctuations. At the same time the number of samples sent for investigations from cattle increase over time, but the proportion of parasitological faecal samples out of all kinds of investigations in cattle do not pass 20%.
One interpretation of this is that cattle is seen as important compared to other kinds of animals (horses for example) by those who submit samples to VAFL for parasitological investigations. Still the number of submitted samples are not very large. At the same time the focus of cattle investigations switched towards other types (bacteriological).
For exploring the graph try answering
the following questions by exploring the interactive figure.
- Which animals are most frequently submitted faecal samples from? Does it change over time?
- Is it mainly small or large animals that are submitted to the laboratories? Does it change over time?
- Is the diversity of sample types (different species of animals) changing over time?
- Do the submission of samples from different animals reflect what you would expect for that animal group regarding parasites that could be detected in faecal samples?
- Are the number of faecal samples from different animals having large or small variations?
Tartu, Estonia
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