Friday, 11 January 2013

Study: Toxoplasma gondii in Estonian cats

We have started a new research project:
Toxoplasma gondii in Estonian cats

Toxoplasma infections in Estonian cats have not been previously studied. This study aims to estimate the proportion of the Estonian cats that have been exposed to the parasite, and to detect risk factors for the infection. 

The results will be relevant for public health professionals and for ensuring the welfare of the cats, as Toxoplasma can infect both humans and animals. Most infections cause only mild symptoms or clinical signs, but at worst toxoplasmosis can be severe and even life-threatening. Most feared are the infections during pregnancy, because the parasite may be transmitted to the fetus..

There are ways to prevent the infections, and cat owners could do a lot to protect their cats from this parasite. This would also diminish the presence of the parasite in the environment.

Sample collection time: 1st January - 31st December 2013

Samples to be investigated are leftover sera and plasma from blood samples that are taken from pet cats and shelter cats to some other diagnostic purposes. No blood is drawn solely for this study. Participation is voluntary, and with the owner’s consent. 

The results of this study are reported only in aggregate form, and the results of an individual cat will not be available.

If you are a cat owner and your veterinarian is sending a sample of your cat to the diagnostic laboratory EMÜ VLI verelaboratoorium (Kreutzwaldi 62, Tartu) and you wish to participate in this study, the sample can be accompanied by a signed consent form and filled questionnaire [download consent form].  All information collected will be treated confidentially and used for research purposes only. 

If you are a veterinarian sending samples to the diagnostic laboratory EMÜ VLI verelaboratoorium (Kreutzwaldi 62, Tartu), it would be highly appreciated if you print out these forms [download consent form] to your clinic and promote our study. If you are a veterinarian working in a cat shelter and interested to participate, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Thank you for your interest in our study!

Kärt Must, kart.must[at] 
Brian Lassen, brian.lassen[at]
Estonian University of Life Sciences